duro paint™ MATTE

duro paint™ Matte Specifically developed for use in applications requiring a long-lasting, decorative coating with a smooth matte finish, duro paint™ Matte combines outstanding durability, long-term performance and film flexibility, in an attractive, low-slip, low-skid, wear-resistant finish. It is the smooth version of Ability’s famous and patented subtly stippletextured duro paint™ Stipple product.
Supplied in ready-to-mix with water powder form, duro paint™ Matte is a water-based, two-pack, polymermodified, inorganic paint, that is UV-resistant, weather-resistant and watertight, and resists attack by highly damaging salt solution ingress. At the same time, duro paint™ Matte helps to improve both thermal and acoustic insulation properties, while also acting as an effective fire retardant.
Easy and safe to use, duro paint™ Matte is extremely low in VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) and does not emit harmful 'greenhouse' gasses. It is available in a range of ‘standard’ colours, or as a ‘custom project colour-matched’ product.
Use on: duro paint™ Matte is suitable for use on both vertical and horizontal surfaces including walls, floors, decks, steps, ramps and pavements. duro paint™ Matte is also ideal for use in areas or on items that will be permanently submerged in fresh or salt-water, including pools, ponds, water features, piers, moorings and marinas.
duro paint™ Matte can be applied to almost any type of stable, firm, sound and clean surface, including:
Concrete (including recently placed, high alkaline, high pH concrete)
Mortar (including rendered and plastered wall surfaces)
Fibre cement panels and planking
Asphalt and bitumen emulsion sprayed pavement surfaces
Masonry - clay and concrete
Iron, steel and a range of other suitably prepared metal surfaces
Environmentally Safe Products
Ability Building Chemicals Co. has developed duro paint™ for versatile, safe for the environment exterior / interior paints and protective surface coating products which are available in a range of decorative UV resistant colours and are ‘pedestal’ examples of ‘Clean Air’ technology.
These include duro paint™ STIPPLE, MATTE and
LOW SHEEN paints.

These surface coatings contain NO SOLVENTS, LOW VOCS (volatile organic compounds), are easy to apply, have no odour, are extremely weather and traffic wear resistant and offer durability for decades.