Preferred Applicators

To make the most of the outstanding features of our duro paint™ product Range and to enjoy the benefits of our unique 20 year guarantee, Ability provide an Applicator Course for Professional Painters as well as an Applicator Manual to assist in proper and correct application procedures when applying duro paint™ products.
For further information and to obtain a current list of trained and approved applicators please go to our 'Contact us' section and either email or call us directly.
Environmentally Safe Products
Ability Building Chemicals Co. has developed duro paint™ for versatile, safe for the environment exterior / interior paints and protective surface coating products which are available in a range of decorative UV resistant colours and are ‘pedestal’ examples of ‘Clean Air’ technology.
These include duro paint™ STIPPLE, MATTE and
LOW SHEEN paints.

These surface coatings contain NO SOLVENTS, LOW VOCS (volatile organic compounds), are easy to apply, have no odour, are extremely weather and traffic wear resistant and offer durability for decades.