duro paint™ MATTE

Ability’s remarkably durable waterproof paint coating.
duro paint™ Matte Paint should be stored in its original container, out of direct sunlight, in appropriate, dry conditions.
When kept dry and stored under low-humidity duro paint™ Matte is a unique, multi-use, universal, exceptionally long-life surface coating.
It is a safe-to-use, water wash-up, decorative, high build protective exterior /interior paint typically resulting in a matte, almost smooth finish depending a little on the type of application implement or equipment and method used to apply it.
Free samples and colour ‘brush-out’ cards are available upon request. It is, if 'you like the look' suitable for most surfaces you may care to think of.
duro paint™ Matte Paint is supplied as a powder for power-mixing thoroughly into a specified amount of drinkable water on site - just prior to use.
It can be made available in virtually any colour - but it's not available as a clear transparent coating.
The applied product is opaque, non transparent, has high obliterating ‘cover’ and is unlike many conventional surface coatings, exceptionally resistant to UV radiation from the sun.
duro paint™ Matte is unlike most conventional paints, which are typically made from organic resins derived from crude oil. It is skilfully formulated from essentially non-resin mineral binders manufactured from some of the earth’s most prolific, durable and safest-to-use chemically inorganic materials.
Prepared liquid duro paint™ Matte is applied like a normal water-based/water wash-up latex paint coating and preferably by means of, for evenness and uniformity of finish, only one of the many suitable normal paint application means. When fully hardened it is highly adhesive and quite flexible.
In the case of its application to concrete, mortar or asphalt, it tends to give the 'cementitious' smooth mortar ‘look’ to materials and gives this look when applied to suitably abraded and roughened coated steel sheet such as Colorbond® or Zincalume® (trademarks of Bluescope Steel Ltd.) and to building panels made from steel, aluminium and similar materials.
duro paint™ Matte is totally VOC free, contains no chemical solvents, is non-toxic, safe to use, non-flammable and fire retarding.
Exceptional durability:

After application, setting and the adoption of a simple intermittent water spray curing procedure to assist its hardening, the applied coating converts by a vitrification process to a highly adhesive, insoluble, hard, completely waterproof and very long-lasting, fire retardant protective mineral compound.
In addition to its exceptionally high sticking qualities, upon exposure to weathering these compounds slowly combine chemically with cement, lime, or plaster bound and natural stone surfaces to increase its adhesion. duro paint™ Matte therefore actually becomes part of these materials and thus is non-removable and permanent.
On aged and weathered, un-coated or suitably prime coated new wood, suitably primed bare steel, iron other metals except aluminium (to which it sticks admirably) and virtually all other surfaces, the mixed liquid product is applied without the need for a priming paint.
duro paint™ Matte following the application of a minimum of two (2) coats or layers, allowed to set (touch dry) and achieve over several weeks subsequent ideal hardening (assisted by means of the procedure of intermittent water spray curing), forms a strong, hard but flexible silicate/aluminate binding matrix. This matrix binder potentially affords very high protection from corrosion inducing substances and high resistance to weathering, micro-biological organisms and the deterioration of duro paint™ Matte painted surfaces from their attack.
Multi functional use:

Having great longevity Ability’s duro paint™ Matte paint and sealing product with a hard but colourful, flat, natural looking finish, is most suitable for protecting/decorating virtually all types of sound, clean, dimensionally stable materials without the need for a primer as follows:
• properly prepared existing cast-in-place concrete (or asphalt) floors, driveways, pavements, steps, ramps, off street and other parking bays/lots, under building car parks, traffic islands, footpaths, sidewalks, concrete furniture, tilt-up concrete wall panels, suspended concrete slabs etc.
• wall construction and finishing - cast-in-place, insitu off form concrete and concrete block and baked clay brick walls in exterior or interior locations.
• fibre cement sheet and planks, plaster boards, glass fibre reinforced cement (GRC) building panels, structural and architectural pre-cast concrete panels supplied for example as highway sound attenuating barriers, decorative, coloured building facades etc.
• sprayed concrete (shotcreted) walls and structures, concrete products - virtually all types - particularly pavers, flagstones, roofing tiles etc.
• applied ‘hard’ gypsum plaster/lime based interior wall surfaces.
• non-polished marble, sandstone (and synthetic cement bound 'sandstone'), limestone, granite, basalt ‘bluestone’, slate and other types of natural or reconstructed stone and - with an adequate number of coats or layers - highly porous coraline limestone, eg:‘Mt Gambier Stone’.
Please note: for a durable, non porous, weatherproof finish on highly porous and absorbent coraline limestone materials such as ‘Mt Gambier’ stone and AAC blocks at least three (3) coats of duro paint™ Matte may be required after thoroughly dampening them with water - please test first before use).
• Suitably primed bare metals and bare timber as well as many synthetic materials (test first).
Safe to use:

Ability’s polymer modified, essentially inorganic duro paint™ Matte is a safe-to-use product. Being inorganic and water borne, it substitutes the hazards involved with the use of 'thinning' and evaporative organic chemical solvents and those contained in organic polymer resin coating binding media such as in many non-aqueous alkyd, polyurethane, polyester, polyvinyl acetate, melamine, urea, silicone/silane, chlorinated rubber, acrylic, epoxy and other resin bound coatings. It therefore avoids the occurrence of ‘Painters Syndrome’ (brain deterioration caused by chemical solvents).
Tough protection:

As duro paint™ Matte when applied to many mineral material surfaces, becomes a part of the surface to which it is applied, it effectively and incomparably binds the ultra-fine particle, permanent, UV resistant and UV absorbing (paint film protecting), mineral oxide colouring pigments encapsulated within it in the formulation of its many colours. It also robustly binds the surface into which it has penetrated and/or to which it has adhered enhancing its toughness and integrity such as for instance properly prepared existing wall rendering mortar and natural stone materials.
Coloured duro paint™ Matte mixed, activated and applied as recommended is an exceptionally long-lasting, watertight and abrasion resistant coating for virtually all suitably prepared exterior and interior non-glazed, firm, stable, cleaned and if necessary, abraded/sanded (prepared for coating) surfaces composed of wood, plastic, rubber, wood chip particle board, cement bound mortar that has been applied as 'plaster', render or ‘bagged’ finishes to exterior brick walls, and other materials. Being fire retardant may be considered particularly beneficial for those that are bound with bitumen and which could therefore be considered a fire hazard.
If uniformly applied at a conservative coverage rate to provide an adequate protective film build with two (2) coats or layers to essentially smooth, properly prepared exterior surfaces (to make them completely stable, sound, and clean) the product potentially out performs all organic:
• solvent based, convertible coatings such as alkyds, (oil based 'enamels') and other oil and oleo/resin derivative bound paints.
• acrylic resin emulsion, and other water-based latex bound paints and sealers.
• Non-aqueous, solvent-based thermoplastic or thermosetting, solvent-borne (solvent evaporating),resin bound paints, lacquers and ‘concrete sealers'.
duro paint™ Matte performance benefits:
duro paint™ Matte is:
• Environmentally harmless

The manufacturing process and most of the raw materials used to produce duro paint™ Matte powder have a low energy demand and no noxious gases are emitted during their production.
Mixed to a paintable liquid with drinkable water, activated for a suitable time according to the prevailing weather conditions and then re-mixed as recommended (see Ability's bulletin Recommendations for Mixing and Application of duro paint™ Matte') is a chemically reactive waterborne, semi penetrative coating with no contaminants or global warming greenhouse gasses emitted during application, subsequent setting and later hardening - thus ensuring a clean, healthy environment on this planet for the benefit of all.
• No allergenic solvents

duro paint™ Matte is composed of an essentially water miscible mineral binding system with natural inert mineral extenders/fillers (non-hiding white pigments) and colouration obtained, unless other types are required, from inert, permanent (UV resistant and absorbing) harmless Ability's abilox® mineral 'earth' (oxide) pigments.
Many normal paints and concrete ‘sealers’ formulated with the use of organic crude oil derived resin binders and toxic chemical solvents may be regarded as a ‘can of chemicals’ that potentially pollute the earth’s atmosphere with chemical fumes and that can also be allergenic to humans and other animals.
duro paint™ Matte, as a quality, safe-to-use coating product, is truly environmentally friendly and does not contain any products known to be toxic. Please refer to downloadable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Nevertheless care, appropriate to all chemicals, should be exercised to prevent ingestion and skin surface contamination lest future experience shows it to present an unforeseen hazard. Suitable clothing, gloves, a light nose and mouth mask and goggles should be worn whilst handling X55, and the hands and faces of all users/operators thoroughly washed before eating, drinking or smoking.
• Odourless

duro paint™ Matte has virtually no typical paint smell and does not emit unpleasant noxious fumes or contaminants typical of normal paints during or after use. It is therefore regarded by most people as quite pleasant to use.
• A coating that is chemically bonded - safely.

duro paint™ Matte penetrates and adheres to suitably porous mineral surfaces and chemically (natural inorganic chemistry) reacts beneficially with these - to increase its already outstanding adhesion qualities. It becomes an integral part of the building surface. Typical organic resin bound paints - both water (aqueous) and non-aqueous, chemical solvent based - merely form a film or skin on the surface which has little or no chemical bond.
• Bacteria, mould, fungus and algae resistant.

The inorganic, alkaline composition and watertight, water repellent nature of duro paint™ Matte does not typically support the growth of moulds, fungi, algae and other micro-organisms - thus ensuring a clean, hygienic and safe surface for healthy living especially in hospitals and sick rooms! duro paint™ Matte also effectively waterproofs the surface by means of the first coat effectively filling in small cracks, pores and micro-voids - thus reducing the living space and a potentially damp environment required for the growth of micro-organisms.
• Non-combustible and no flame spread.

Cured and hardened duro paint™ Matte does not burn - even when exposed to a torch flame and as a result, in the case of fire, there is potentially less damage to the coated substrate. The substrate surface to which duro paint™ Matte is applied is protected by a fire-retardant surface to the depth of its coating thickness and penetration. Neither would there be poisonous gases generated from this hardened coating material in a bush fire! The product therefore may be evaluated prior to actual use for application to burnable building materials such as wood and plastics to lessen their chances of being destroyed and/or emitting toxic gasses in a fire. It may therefore help to save lives.
• Excellent light fastness, UV and weathering resistance.

Ability's earthy hue, abilox® UV resistant, inorganic mineral oxide type colourants which are usually used to make coloured duro paint™ Matte provide long-term colours with colour-fastness, and protective coating integrity. These with its tight, inorganic mineral binding system protect chemically organic surfaces coated with duro paint™ Matte such as resin, plastic and wood materials against ultra violet light degradation.
When mineral oxide pigments have been used as the sole colouring pigment(s) in chemically inorganic mineral silicate type exterior coating products in Europe, the coatings originally invented by Mr Keim (patented in 1895) have been known to last for more than a century! Permanent decoration and protection is therefore feasible for many decades of outside exposure with coloured duro paint™ Matte when its colours are obtained by pigmentation with abilox®.
As a consequence smooth, flat, colourful duro paint™ Matte is often a preferred choice of coloured coating material for many mural painters and community / public artists.
Please also note that: for artists, painters, architects, landscape architects and other specifiers, Ability also offers its similar, but subtly textured, lightly stippled, exceptionally long-lasting mineral coating, available ex stock in standard and on firm advance order in custom colours called duro paint™ Stipple. Ask us about the Paint partial case studies list - compiled over 22 years of its successful use.
• High resistance to chemicals and atmospheric pollution.

Provided that a minimum of two (2) coats or layers are applied Ability’s duro paint™ Matte has very high resistance to common acids, alkalis, salt, salt spray, seawater, sulphate ground waters, aqueous chloride solutions, CO2 containing carbonic acid and many other paint and concrete degrading chemical solutions and is virtually unaffected after years of solar photo particulate and industrial acid rain pollution.
• Cleaning / washability / scrubbability.

Once the complete procedure of intermittent water spray curing is carried out completely and soon after the final coat becomes 'touch' dry as recommended to assist in its full and complete hardening, duro paint™ Matte coated surfaces can then be heavily washed and scrubbed with detergent solutions or up to 3000 psi water blasted without damage. This is as a result of the development of its full, vitrified hardness, its protective high build, extremely robust nature, and exceptionally high bond to the surface.
• Considerably assists to prevent concrete cancer an other forms of concrete deterioration.

duro paint™ Matte being a watertight, yet moisture vapour permeable coating - allowing it and the structure to ‘breathe’ - as well as a chemically resistant mineral coating, integrally/chemically bonded to concrete and mortar substrates (and actually being related chemically and physically with similar thermal expansion / contraction coefficients to these materials), means that, apart from providing outstanding protection for them, no deteriorating stress problems, cracking, flaking, delamination or spalling in 30 cycles of freezing and thawing and temperature extremes, of the coating will occur.
* See test report from NATA accredited independent industrial testing company, Amdel Limited, Adelaide, Australia dated 9 October 2001 of tests conducted to the American Standard ASTM D1360-1995 "Standard Test Method for Fire Retardancy of Paints" and other tests to ASTM Standards to show its resistance to various liquids and staining materials on Ability's similar but slightly higher build coating called duro paint™ Stipple which also typically results in a matte, flat but slightly stippled textured, ‘sandy’ finish.
• Highly abrasion resistant.

Two (2) coats of fully hardened duro paint™ Matte has exceptionally high abrasion and wear resistance - similar to vitrified enamel and porcelain. Applied with a minimum of two (2) coats as recommended, X55 Hi- Seal therefore potentially increases the abrasion resistance of most existing concrete pavements, structures, units or materials - especially applicable with the use of the lower grades and classes of premixed concrete, all concrete that has not received the benefit of the procedure of moist curing immediately after placement and setting, baked clay pavers, pavements and other similar trafficable surfaces to make them last longer under a given amount of abrasive traffic.
• Slip and skid resistance.
The product also has high vehicle and pedestrian skid and slip resistance. duro paint™ Matte coloured, white, ‘safety yellow’ and other suitable, special purpose delineating colours should perhaps therefore be evaluated by all City Councils and Shires as well as Road and Highway Traffic Authorities for use in achieving exceptionally long-lasting, highly durable line marking, colour functional, road and highway lane-ways such as red bus lanes, green bicycle lanes,pedestrian crossings, parking bays, sidewalks, concrete freeway noise prevention wall coatings etc. having high weathering, wear and skid / slip resistance.
Surface preparation - very important!

Remove all old, infirm, poorly adhering paint, other coatings, surface weakness and laitance (weak dusting surface of cement ‘scum’ at the top surface of existing concrete), dark mould etc by means of a minimum 3000 psi water blasting unit and ensure that the surface to be coated is firm, sound (without dust and surface weakness) clean and dampened.
However, for virtually all coating work using duro paint™ Matte and particularly when it is being applied in adverse, hot dry or highly evaporative windy weather conditions it is necessary to uniformly wet the surface to be coated to a uniform dampness (but do not saturate) before applying the first of a minimum of two (2) coats.
Colours and availability:

The product powder is packed in 12kg pails. duro paint™ Matte comes in a standard range of colours.
For many projects of reasonable size duro paint™ Matte can be manufacturedto virtually any colour you specify and for which you provide a sample of material clearly showing the colour required on a firm advance order basis (takes about 3-4 working days).
Surface coloured concrete items:

In addition to integral ('through') concrete colouration, where the powder oxide colouring pigment is added to and mixed into the concrete whilst it is being batched, most people are aware that an existing concrete structure or concrete object may be coloured by coating it with coloured paint or some other suitable coloured applied finish.
However, in exterior locations the colour lasts only as long as the life of the applied coloured coating material and the fastness to light (UV resistance) of the colouring pigments used to obtain its colour.
A relatively low cost way to give colour to existing concrete items such as concrete furniture, fences, pre-cast building facia panels, roofing materials, in situ concrete floors and pavements etc.
is to use a tough, hard but flexible, long-life, non-flaking, non peeling coloured coating - and perhaps one that approximately simulates the normal, natural, matte look of concrete.
Such a coating that may be considered suitable after the complete evaluation and testing of a free sample, is Ability's duro paint™ Matte special flat (matte) finish coating - especially when a colour derived from a high cost pigment - such as Cobalt Blue is being considered.
Recommended application rate - Coverage:

Apply two (2) liberal coats uniformly, each at approximately five (5) to six (6) square metres per litre coverage rate - depending on the required coating thickness and the degree of texture and porosity of the surface to be coated. For spray application, you may carefully dilute only the first coat with a maximum of 10% extra water, if necessary, to aid the achievement of an even, uniform application.
Please note that: because the mixing water is the reactant and not intended as an evaporating solvent, the dry film thickness (DFT) should be the same as the wet film thickness (WFT).ie: no loss of ‘solvent’ to dry the paint.
The application of two (2) coats or layers is essential for long-term durability and lasting qualities for all paints and surface coatings.With duro paint™ Matte the mandatory second coat may, depending on the weather, usually be applied three (3) to four (4) hours after the application of the first.
As mentioned it may be beneficial to very sparingly thin the first coat with a controlled amount of additional water to achieve maximum penetration - particularly on exceptionally porous surfaces such as properly prepared heavily dampened 'Hebel' autoclaved, aerated concrete (AAC) materials and coraline limestone (eg Mt Gambier Stone) building blocks, but only with a maximum of 10% water (no more than 10% water!).
Please note that: the second or in the case of three (3) coats the last coat is always applied without dilution.
Hardening time:

Like ALL chemical reactions the hardening time of duro paint™ Matte is temperature sensitive. Example: with a surrounding (ambient) air temperature of 23ºC and 65% relative humidity (RH) following its setting and ‘touch’ drying and intermittent water spray curing duro paint™ Matte coated surfaces can usually be handled (carefully) after three (3) to four (4) hours. A full seven (7) days' hardening period improves all properties of the application after surface setting or ‘touch’ drying.
Please note that: lower temperatures will extend the setting and hardening times of the applied product and higher temperatures shorten them. As duro paint™ Matte sets by chemical reactions with water, it is important to prevent the freshly applied coating from drying out and high RH (relative humidity) and windless days compared with low (highly evaporative) windy ones when applying it are desirable and beneficial to duro paint™ Matte's setting and hardening processes.
Clean up of spillage / application implements:

Clean tap water is used for cleaning up - promptly! Do not allow duro paint™ Matte to dry in the brush, broom, roller, spray or other application equipment. If drying partly occurs, washing promptly in soap and cold water may help to remove it. Once hardened, duro paint™ Matte is extremely difficult to remove.

For maximum durability duro paint™ Matte should be thoroughly mixed and uniformly applied using only one (1) application implement or equipment type to surfaces that have been prepared to make them smooth, clean, firm, surface-strong and sound. Porous or semi-porous surfaces should also be uniformly dampened but not saturated.
All old paint, other coatings having suspect adhesion and surface contaminants should be effectively removed before attempting to apply duro paint™ Matte.
Although waterproof when fully hardened, freshly applied duro paint™ Matte finish needs careful handling for a few days. Unless efficiently water spray cured intermittently by the applicator - initially gently - as is highly recommended, it may temporarily ‘bleach’ or whiten upon early initial wettings with rain. Also, it may also suffer initially from a nonefflorescent, irregular white 'bloom' or streaking for the same reason.
The adequate adoption of the procedure of intermittent water spray curing
as is strongly recommended in our 'Recommendations for Application' data, and duro paint™ Matte Applicators Booklet should eliminate these possible occurrences.
Anti corrosive properties:

This excellent protective and decorative paint product may be evaluated for coating and re-coating of rustfree ferrous and other metals which have been prime coated with a suitable metal priming paint designed for the particular metal and suitably primed or weathered bare wood with (two (2) coats of duro paint™ Matte minimum). (Please note that: the product demonstrates very good adhesion to un-primed bare or anodised aluminium). It is usually suitable for application to aged, weathered wood surfaces, which have been allowed to weather naturally in an external environment for 12-18 months, without a primer.
We recommend testing of the product first, before actual use on the intended surface to ensure that it is completely suitable for the purpose. A free sample in a preferred colour will be supplied upon request for testing purposes.
For a durable, even and uniform coating job:

For a uniformly smooth and uniformly coloured coating job, duro paint™ Matte should preferably be applied uniformly as stated, to relatively smooth surfaces Rough, uneven and/or in situ concrete surfaces such as those with a large amount of 'blow holes' (caused by large air bubbles entrapped at the interface of formwork and fresh unset concrete due to inadequate compaction), or the use of poorly compacted concrete blocks etc may need to be uniformly filled / patched and/or rendered or 'bagged' with low shrink cement mortar (see Ability’s Fultone Mortar 8) - prior to the application of duro paint™ Matte - to ensure a uniformly smooth and uniformly coloured coating finish result.
Filling and patching of cracks/holes/depressions may be ideally achieved with Ability’s Fultone Mortar 8 - a ready-to-mix with water dry-mix product.
Environmentally Safe Products
Ability Building Chemicals Co. has developed duro paint™ for versatile, safe for the environment exterior / interior paints and protective surface coating products which are available in a range of decorative UV resistant colours and are ‘pedestal’ examples of ‘Clean Air’ technology.
These include duro paint™ STIPPLE, MATTE and
LOW SHEEN paints.

These surface coatings contain NO SOLVENTS, LOW VOCS (volatile organic compounds), are easy to apply, have no odour, are extremely weather and traffic wear resistant and offer durability for decades.